Six Decades Back tells the story of Charles Shirley Walgamott who arrived by stage at Rock Creek Station, Idaho Territory, on August 8, 1875. In an untamed land, far from his native Iowa, he survived illness, hardship, and lawlessness with his humor intact. Never a stranger to work, Walgamott mined, trapped, ranched, and hunted. While living with settlers, Indians, and outlaws alike, he amassed a trove of unforgettable experiences.These stories were published in the mid-1920s and later collected into a one-volume book, Six Decades Back, in 1936. This new reprint was suggested by the Twin Falls 2004 Centennial Committee in celebration of pioneer Charles Walgamott and his contribution of the earliest written accounts of the region. Several of the photos that appeared in the original editions are included to capture the authentic flavor of this classic of Idaho history.
Searching Salmon Falls tells the story about a series of treks that enables the author to witness a slice of the watershed - from the creek's finish in Idaho to its source in a remote Nevada wilderness.
Stone by Stone on the Oregon Trail Bev Stone conducted years of research, studying scores of emigrant diaries, documents, and photographs. the resulting flow of quotes and insights will carry the reader along with emigrants themselves on this, the largest voluntary migration recorded history ... traveling the Oregon Trail. by Bev and Gary Stone
Geology Underfoot in Southern Idaho by Shawn Willsey is now in stock. $25 plus tax.
Duane Ramseyer's book of "Sucker Flat" is just one of many local history books available for sale at the museum.
Daisies Don't Tell Daisies Don't Tell relates the compelling story of an extraordinary woman who trades a life of refinement for the hardscrabble existence of a diary farmer's wife. by Lorayne Orton Smith.
"Rogerson Idaho" compiled by Peggy Cristobal. Peggy passed away September 22, 2017 and her family helped complete and print this book. Books are $20 (plus tax). Anita Cristobal Nowak will donate money raised to the Rogerson school fund.
Gus Brackett's "Badger Thurston" books are meant for children but are an easy read for anyone and include illustrations by Don Gill.
We also have books by Jim Gentry, Bruce Raisch's "Ghost Towns of Idaho", "History of the Canal Company", and volumes one and two of Magic Valley Memories.
We have many books by local authors for sale at reasonable prices. Give us a call or better yet, stop in and see what we have.